What do the best business voicemails have in common? Most professionals would agree that the best ones are short, sweet, and get right to the point.
Voicemail is on the decline. The average response rate for a voicemail from a sales call is a mere 4.8%. And that’s not all—90% of first-time voicemails get ignored. Nevertheless, 92% of all customer interaction is still handled over the phone.
This decline in voicemails, and responsiveness to voicemails, means any voicemail you do leave has to count. It should be compelling, personable, and persuasive. The best messages last between 8 and 15 seconds. Be sure to SMILE when you are calling. The people on the other side will hear it.

Here are a few scripts to add to your voicemail library:
NEW MEMBER Click to Listen
Hi, this is _________ with the Knights of Columbus. Congratulations on joining the order! I am the field agent for your council, and I am calling because I’d like to schedule your New Member Orientation. Feel free to call me at ______________, but I will try you back either way. Thank you and God bless!
Hi, this is _________ with the Knights of Columbus. I'd like to speak with you urgently about your policies. Please give me a call at ______________. Thank you and God bless!
CONNECT THIS WEEK Click to Listen Hi, this is _________ with the Knights of Columbus. I’m calling to catch up with you and see if we can connect sometime this week. Please give me a call at ______________. Thanks! Talk to you soon!
Hi, this is _________ with the Knights of Columbus. I am calling because I’m going to be in your area next week and would like to schedule some time to visit with you. Please give me a call at ______________. I will try you back either way. Thank you and God bless!
GPO Click to Listen
Hi, this is _________ with the Knights of Columbus. You should have received a letter regarding a Guaranteed Purchase Option. I’m just calling to follow up and see if you’d like to meet and go over how this applies to your policies. Feel free to call me at ______________, but I will try you back either way. Thank you and God bless!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Click to Listen
Hi, this is _________ with the Knights of Columbus. I'm just calling to wish you a Happy Birthday, Brother! Sorry I missed you! My number is ______________. Hope you have a wonderful birthday! God bless you!